Audit Mining

Holistic in-depth inspection instead of time-consuming spot checks


All input parameters are always up-to-date and prepared for the management without manual effort


Define requirements and work according to them


Find the time thieves in your processes systematically and completely


Analyze directly and quickly variants of different process execution


All input parameters are always up-to-date and prepared for the management without manual effort


Define requirements and work according to them


Find the time thieves in your processes systematically and completely


Analyze directly and quickly variants of different process execution

Audit Mining – Holistic in-depth inspection instead of time-consuming spot checks

All data inputs and workflows automatically create digital traces in DaIM.

With DaIM Audit Mining, this data is used to visually trace management system processes and identify weaknesses. Gain insights into all management system processes and effectively direct resources where they are needed. 

DaIM Audit Mining uses Microsoft Process Advisor. Optimize your workflows by uncovering bottlenecks in management processes through process mining technology. 

Discover ways to automate your processes by viewing end-to-end visualizations of each recorded process. Event logs are generated for individual activities. Activities describe tasks or process steps whose sequence makes up a management system process. Activities can be performed by humans or, in the case of automation, by machines. 

Example: You want to model the complete audit follow-up in audit processes. The process starts with the recording of findings from an audit in DaIM. This is followed by evaluations of the findings, root cause analyses, derivation of corrective and preventive actions, progress checks including status information, execution of effectiveness checks and filing of evidence documentation. 

Audit Mining automatically generates a process mapping with event logs that visualize the audit follow-up process. You can see how long a single process step takes, how many variations there are in the audit follow-up process, and which variations and process steps take the most time. 

Different activity combinations and variations are displayed separately in the process map. A process variant is a unique path from start to finish for a particular activity sequence – that is, a „digital trail“ through the process with timestamps. Each variant is distinguished from the others by at least one activity. The time reference enables a number of important process key performance indicators (KPIs) and an assessment of the process costs incurred.

With this information and the powerful DaIM features, you can change the way your people work, identify opportunities, and make improvements that positively impact your management system. 

Audit Mining thus helps you better understand real-world processes by showing the current variation of each process , while keeping track of key process metrics and saving costs with the insights gained. 

The core components of DaIM


A central app for communication and collaboration in Microsoft Teams. With the data-based implementation of all standard requirements, processing is possible anytime and anywhere.

Documents & Processes

Securely edit documented information and processes efficiently, approve and authorize effectively, and keep them linked to the DaIM App's protected data.


Efficient handling of existing data by connecting data sources based on hundreds of proven data connectors. Deep insights by integrating all relevant data from the enterprise across all standards.


Real-time management review at the click of a mouse. Minimize the effort for recurring evaluations. Compare the results of your management reviews.

Digital Auditor & AI

AI is not only about certification readiness of your management systems, but also about changing the way your employees work. With the Digital Auditor and the Improvement Engine you transfer your management system approach into the digital age.

Audit Mining

Real-time management review at the click of a mouse. Minimize the effort for recurring evaluations. Compare the results of your management reviews.

Innovative Technologies

The functional fusion of leading collaboration tools makes DaIM unique and the most advanced management system in the world today.


Asset management

Complex asset management over the entire life cycle

Audit management

Planning, execution and reporting from a single source

Compliance management

Binding obligations and material evidence at a glance

Document management

Collaborative work and database-supported management of electronic documents

Incident management

Intuitive recording and seamless tracking of events

Hazardous materials management

Safe handling of hazardous materials through systematic processes

Maintenance management

Preventing malfunctions through efficient maintenance

Key figure management

Flexible key figure system for monitoring business processes

Context management

Identifying and anticipating the expectations of interested parties

Measures management

Centralized control of corrective and preventive measures from all sources

Means of measurement management

Mapping of means of measurement hierarchies and maintenance of means of measurement capability

Process management

Identification, visualization, documentation, control and optimization of business processes

Resource Management

Organization of competencies, authorities and tasks for management teams

Risk management

Monitoring opportunities and risks in an intelligent way

Training management

Demand-driven training organization and record keeping


Clearly define scopes and exclusions through transparent scoping